Abstracts - for presentations, papers, posters or workshops

Downloading the abstracts: 
You can download all the abstracts by clicking here:    Abstracts27-11-02.doc

The general call for papers and posters has now formally closed.  The deadline was Friday 28 June 2002.  However late applications will be considered if the paper/poster proposed is of very direct and clear relevance to the conference theme.  The conference organisers will also continue to solicit high quality 'on-theme' papers or presentations.  If you would like us to consider a proposal for a presentation/paper please send a 200-300 word abstract to the Conference Organiser.

Abstracts/proposals will only be accepted as plain text located in the body of an email (ie. not as an attachment). Those who don't have access to email may post a file in Rich Text Format (RTF) on a disk.

People presenting papers (ie. giving talks) are not required to submit a written paper.  Circulation of any paper at the conference is the responsibility of the author. If you would like your paper to be published then you should submit it to ISEE to be considered for inclusion in the Journal of Ecological Economics or submit it to any other relevant publisher.

You are invited to submit for consideration proposals for workshops on a topic of direct and clear relevance to the conference theme to the Conference Organiser.  Proposals should be brief.  Workshops could be used to generate ideas to make progress on key issues or to help set the agenda for future ecological economics work.


  • ANZSEE reserves the right to accept or reject applications to present a paper or poster or hold a workshop.
  • The organisers will provide participants with a book of abstracts/summaries at the conference.

Mark Diesendorf
Director, Sustainability Centre Pty Ltd
PO Box 221, Epping NSW 1710, Australia 

Mark Diesendorf <> 

Ecological economics: 
the knowledge-base for creating an ecologically sustainable economy


Author: Philip Sutton
Date Last Modified: 27 November 2002 (1) 
Feedback & Enquiries: Philip.Sutton@green-innovations.asn.au