ANZSEE Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics |
Ecological economics:
the knowledge-base for creating an ecologically sustainable economy
Strategies into action: regional and industry policy applications of ecologically sustainable development
You are invited to participate in the 2002 ANZSEE conference. The conference will explore how regional strategies (local to national and beyond) and industry (sectoral) policies can help create an ecologically sustainable economy. The conference will have keynote speakers, contributed papers, workshops and discussions. It will give an opportunity to report on ecological economics work done and to explore the agenda for future work. Everyone who is interested in the creation of an ecologically sustainable economy is welcome to participate. You don't have to be an economist or an ecologist - or a current member of ANZSEE! It is now widely recognised that the achievement of ecological sustainability requires decisive action, at the right scale and speed. So all communities need to engage actively in goal-directed innovation and structural change. The 2002 ANZSEE conference takes up this challenge - looking especially at regional economies and industry sectors. Speakers and workshops will address questions such as: - What should ecologically sustainable, socially just economies look like - generally and in specific areas? And why? - How can ecologically sustainable, socially just economies be created? - How should primary industry, manufacturing and services change? - How far and how fast should the changes go? - How should innovation and structural change be focussed and driven? - What intellectual foundations do sustainability strategies for regional economies and industry sectors need? - How are the multiple facets of society, the environment, the economy and social equity to be integrated with no major trade-offs? |
ANZSEE thanks it sponsors for their vital support for the 2002 Conference.
Financial sponsors: | |
New Zealand |
New Zealand |
In-kind sponsors: | |
Time |
Sun. 1 December |
Mon. 2 December |
Tues. 3 December |
Wed. 4 December |
Thurs. 5 December |
a.m. |
Pre-conference course:
Leapfrogging to sustainability (10.00 am - 6.00 pm) |
Registration Opening (9.00 am) Plenary session on local & regional scenarios for sustainable development. |
Plenary session on Scenarios for global and National Futures. |
Plenary session on Industry/Business Policies and Strategies |
Post-conference field trip
Eco-tour of Sydney (8.30 am - 5.30 pm) Organised by Sustainability Centre |
p.m. |
Parallel sessions of contributed papers. |
Parallel sessions of contributed papers. |
Parallel sessions of contributed papers Closing plenary session |
Registration (6.00-7.00 pm) |
Reception |
Banquet |
The conference begins officially at 9.00 am (0900) on Monday 2nd Dec and closes at 5.00 pm (1700) on Wednesday 4 Dec.
Please allow time for registration before proceedings start on the Monday. When planning travel and accommodation please take account of any associated pre-conference or post-conference activities (details).
ANZSEE 2002 Conference Draft Program
(as of 14/11/2002)
Session | Monday 2 December | Tuesday 3 December | Wednesday 4 December |
Morning 1: |
8.00 onwards: Registration 9.00 ANZSEE President's welcome & address - Philip Sutton 9.15 ISEE President's address - John Proops 9.30 ANZSEE Vice-President's announcements - Mark Diesendorf 9.35 Opening by principal sponsor 9.40 Morgan Williams, NZ Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment: 'NZ ESD since 1992' |
Global & National Futures 9.00 Bent Sørensen, Roskilde Uni., Denmark: ?Global energy scenarios? 9.45 Shauna Murray & Manfred Lenzen: ?Improved ecological footprint method? |
Business & Industry Sector Strategies 9.00 Dedee Woodside, consultant: 'Rice growing' 9.45 Judy Clark, consultant: 'Forests' |
Break: |
Morning Tea | Morning Tea | Morning Tea |
Morning 2: |
Present Achievements & Future Scenarios for Local Economies 11.00 John Tunney, Melbourne City Council: (TBC) 11.25 Justine Young, Environment Waikato 11.50 Alan Reid, Environs Aust.: 'Accelerating sustainability through local government, business and banks. 12.15 Ann Magee, Waitakere City Council 12.40 Panel discussion |
Global & National Futures 11.00 Franzi Poldy, CSIRO: 'Australian futures scenarios' 11.30 Clive Hamilton, Australia Institute: Australian greenhouse gas scenarios 12.00 Peter Newman, W.A. Sustainability Policy Unit: 'W.A. sustainability policy' 12.30 John Peet, Uni. of Canterbury, NZ: 'Role of technology' |
Business & Industry Sector Strategies 11.00 Fiona Wain, Environment Business Australia: ?Environment industries? 11.30 Murray Patterson, Massey Uni., NZ: ?Tourism? 12.00 Sarah Mackay, AgResearch NZ: ?Dairy industry? 12.30 Louise Vickery, DITR: ?Energy efficiency best practice? |
Break: |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Afternoon 1: |
Parallel sessions |
Parallel sessions |
Parallel sessions |
Break: |
Afternoon tea | Afternoon tea | Afternoon tea |
Afternoon 2: |
Parallel sessions |
Parallel sessions |
Final plenary |
Evening |
17.30 - 18.30 |
19.00 => |
Poster presentations
Authors |
Title of abstract |
Sharad P. Adhikary |
Ecosystem and economic services in the mountainous region: Need for a new valuation approach |
Jeffery D. Connor |
Path Dependence, Positive Biological Feedback and the Economics of Mating Disruption Pheromones Pest Control in Apple and Pear Production |
Mark Diesendorf |
Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Frameworks for Ecological Economics |
Simon Fane* and Stuart White |
Including Sustainability Criteria in Life Cycle Costing of Urban Water |
Rajesh Jalota and John Rolfe |
Above ground carbon estimation at property level - an experience from Central Queensland |
Nigel Jollands |
The Holy Grail of Sustainable Development Indicators: an Approach to Aggregating Indicators with an Application to Eco-Efficiency |
Frank Jotzo |
Best intentions: How a Kyoto Protocol implementation rule might lead to 'cheap and nasty' forestry carbon projects in developing countries |
R. K. Khatkar |
Ecological Sustainable Development of Agriculture in India |
Patrick Longfield |
The Natural Step - a framework for sustainability |
Phillip Pagan and Jack Pezzey |
Some economics of water resources and use in the ACT |
Rudra Prakash Pradhan & Narayan Chandra Nayak |
Productivity and Sustainability of Agriculture: An Application of Linear Programming Model |
Janbade Prafulla Tarachand |
Concrete jungle to green buildings: The essence of survival by using sustainable technique in new millennium |
Wendy Proctor | Assessing Ecosystem Services in Australia |
Chris Riedy (withdrawn) |
Business As Usual in the Australian Energy Sector: Implications and Criticisms of ABARE?s Australian Energy Projections (withdrawn) |
Sohan lal Saharan |
Ecologically sustainable habitats through recycling |
Kamaljit K. Sangha Rajesh K. Jalota, John Rolfe David, J. Midmore and Kerry Walsh |
Comparative status of ecosystem functions in native and cleared woodlands |
Go to abstracts link.
Associated pre- and post-conference activities:
Pre-conference activity: 1 December 2002 A full day intensive course on: Leapfrogging to a sustainable economy-mindsets and methods: creating a new platform for understanding and action. Running from 10-00 am to 6.00 pm on Sunday 1 December, the course is designed to provide participants with an ideas kit to help catalyse the achievement of an ecologically sustainable economy. Course presenter, Philip Sutton, Green Innovations Director-Strategy, will provide access to over 10 years of R&D to develop new strategies that can be used to mainstream a commitment to ecological sustainability without watering down the content. The course costs $125 for the day, including lunch (student/concession price is: $100). For further information on the course purpose and content, please go to: Post-conference activity: 5 December 2002 |
Downloading the abstracts: Presentations/papers/posters: Abstracts/proposals will only be accepted as plain text located in the body of an email (ie. not as an attachment). Those who don't have access to email may post a file in Rich Text Format (RTF) on a disk. People presenting papers (ie. giving talks) are not required to submit a written paper. Circulation of any paper at the conference is the responsibility of the author. If you would like your paper to be published then you should submit it to ISEE to be considered for inclusion in the Journal of Ecological Economics or submit it to any other relevant publisher. Workshops: General:
Mark Diesendorf
Director, Sustainability Centre Pty Ltd
PO Box 221, Epping NSW 1710, Australia
Mark Diesendorf <>
If you want to be informed about further ANZSEE conferences you can subscribe to ANZSEElist. You don't have to be an ANZSEE (or ISEE) member to be on this list. To subscribe send a message to: Or enter your email address in the form below: |
You can set the subscription settings for ANZSEElist to "special announcements" and then you will only get official ANZSEE announcements.
Main conference organiser
Mark Diesendorf
Director, Sustainability Centre Pty Ltd
PO Box 221, Epping NSW 1710, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9801 2976
Fax: +61 2 9801 2986
New Zealand contact
If you are from New Zealand and you want to make contact with a local person who is involved with organising the conference please get in touch with:
Nigel Jollands <> |
Ecological economics:
the knowledge-base for creating an ecologically sustainable economy