Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics

ANZSEE Secretary: Wendy Proctor, CSIRO Land and Water, GPO Box 1666 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

Telephone: +61 2 6246 5955 Fax: +61 2 6246 5560 Email:


Other Environment/Economics Links

Links to other sites of environmental interest. Inclusion of links to commercial or political sites is purely for informational purposes and does not imply that ANZSEE recommends or endorses the services provided or offered or ideas promoted on the sites.

    Global Network of Environmental Economists
    Environmental Economics Unit, Environment Australia
    New Zealand Ministry for the Environment, Manatu Mo Te Taiao
    European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

    Environmental Studies Programs
    Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Inc
    Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Inc.
    Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
    Best Foot Forward - Developers of Ecological Footprinting Tools
    SEA News- a newsletter canvassing issues related to sustainability and economics in agriculture
    International Society for Ecosystem Health
    Eco-Compass, the Internet Guide to Environmental Information
    Environmental Defence Society
    Australian Greens
    Australian Greens
    EcoDemocrats Network
    Australian Democrats
    ADOME- Association pour le Développement des Outils Multimédia appliqués a l'Environnement. lots of economics information
    Ecoforestry Site
    Ecoforestry Site
    Earthshare Australia
    New Zealand Environment magazineprovides in-depth news and analysis of issues affecting both the natural and human-made environments of New Zealand.

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This page is maintained by Philip Sutton. If you have comments or suggestions for the ANZSEE website please e-mail me at .
Modified: 8th December 2004.