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Thursday | Friday | Saturday

Saturday 9:00-10:45 Parallel Plenary Sessions

Engagement with Natural Science
Chair: Marco Janssen

Brian Walker
Managing the resilience of rangelands: An integrated modelling approach to a complex adaptive system

David Rapport
Biospheric collapse and global paralysis.

Roger Bradbury
Futures, prediction and other foolishness

F. Bousquet
Multi-agent simulation models in applied, natural resource use decision-making in developing countries

Developing Country Perspectives
Chair: Padma Lal

Meg Taylor
Resource owners, development and environmental decision-making: lessons from the Pacific

Kanchan Chopra
Making a difference in developing countries: Getting prices and institutions right in South Asia

Peter May
Engaging communities in research and management: Sustainable enterprise in the Amazon Basin

Neil Byron
What policy makers want from research and why researchers rarely provide it

Saturday 10:45-11:15 Morning Tea

Saturday 11:15-12:45 Parallel Sessions

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Environmental Equity and Sustainability
Chair: Jay Arekere

Dhananjaya (Jay) Arekere
Sustainable development and environmental equity: economics, sociology and the environment

Dhananjaya (Jay) Arekere, David Miller
Environmental justice and sustainability: science and societies

Dhananjaya (Jay) Arekere, Mitchell F. Rice.
Resources, endowments and entitlements: implications for people, property and progress

Laura Pulido
The environment, economics, and justice

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Food Security and Agricultural Sustainability
Chair: Walter Alberto Pengue

Gangaiah Bollempalli
Livelihood sustainability of coastal communities and fisheries production onshore and in exclusive economic zone of India

Andrea Melo
Sustainable agriculture: an index estimation.

Walter Alberto Pengue, J. H. Morello , G. D. Buzai
Economic and ecological risks of a wrong environmental policy: widespread releasing of transgenic crops in Argentina

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Management of Water and Wetlands
Chair: Padma Lal

Roberto Enriquez-Andrade
Institutional failure, public planning and sustainability of coastal-marine resources in a developing country

Rob Hart, Mark Brady
Restoring aquatic ecosystems -- the policy implications

Padma Lal
Mangrove management: where to from here?

Kuatbay Bektemirov
A concept for sustainable development of the Aral Sea region

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Physical Indicators and Accounting: Macro-level
Chair: Carlos Eduardo Frickmann Young

Rene Kleijn, Emily Matthews, Stefan Bringezu, Yuichi Moriguchi, Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Weighing the losses: material outflow from industrial economies

Ilmo Maenpaa, Artti Juutinen
Explaining the material intensity in the dynamics of economic growth: the case of Finland

Garry McDonald, Murray Patterson
Ecological footprints and the interdependencies of New Zealand regions

Carlos Eduardo Frickmann Young
Integrating national accounts and the environment: a NAMEA-type system for Brazil

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Stakeholder Participation I
Chair: Kristin Duin

Graham Marshall
Contributions of informal governance to natural resource management: evidence from a survey of Australian farmers facing irrigation salinity

Kees Musters, H. J. De Graaf, W. J. ter Keurs
Is it possible to operationalise 'biodiversity' from the point of view of stakeholders?

Bruce A. Wilcox, Kristin N. Duin
Integrated watershed assessment and restoration in an Hawaiian Ahupua'a

Joanna Ejdys
Sustainable development strategy in areas valuable with respect to their natural values

Saturday 11:15-12:45
People and Nature: the Adirondack Park Experience
Chair: Graham Cox
Open-format session. Panel-members: Graham L. Cox, John Gowdy; Sabine OHara

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Valuation: Theory and Frameworks
Chair: Peter May

Peter May, Fernando Veiga Filho, Osmar Chevez-Pozo
Valuation of biodiversity in Brazil: state of the art and a research agenda

Ester van der Voet, Ruben Huele, Ruud Stevers
Pandas, pets and pests: evolutionary reactions on human dominance in the biosphere

Marsha Walton
Growth, development, and sustainability--existence values and cost benefit analysis: the case of ANWR

Saturday 11:15-12:45
Waste Management
Chair: Madhu Verma

Akio Ito, Hideaki Abe
A comparative analysis of Japan and Korea on the effectiveness in reducing household waste generation

Shinichiro Nakamura
Input-output analysis of waste disposal and recycling

Madhu Verma
Integrated modelling of solid waste flows: analysis of policy options for Bangalore

Fumikazu Yoshida
The political economy of waste management in Japan

Saturday 12:45-2:00 Lunch

Saturday 2:00-3:30 Parallel Sessions

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Achieving Outcomes: Making a Difference in Developing Countries
Chair: Padma Lal
Open-format session. Panel-members: Kanchan Chopra, Neil Byron, Peter May, Mahfuz Ahmed, John Low, Meg Taylor, Agnes Rola, Dang Ha

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Domestic Animal Genetic Resource Diversity and Valuation
Chair: Adam Drucker
Open format session. Panel participants: Adam G. Drucker, Riccardo Scarpa, Clem Tisdell, Frank G. Muller

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Policy Applications of Environmental Accounting: Lessons from International Experience
Chair: Joy Hecht
Open-format session. Panel-members: Glenn-Marie Lange, Joy E. Hecht, Ann de los Angeles, Clive Hamilton

Saturday 2:00-3:00
Research Development Initiative on Ecological Prices
Chair: Anthony Friend
Open-format session.

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Economic Behaviour and the Environment: Uncertainty, Justice and Ethics
Chair: Barry Solomon

Jerry Courvisanos
Optimise vs satisfice: the uncontested battle of investment planning for sustainable development

Marcelo Firpo de Souza Porto, Carlos Machado de Freitas
Inequity, vulnerability and externalities: the case of work and environmental accidents in Brazil

Barry Solomon, Russell Lee
Environmental justice and emissions trading systems

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Markets, Incentives and Policy II: Natural Resource Management
Chair: Romy Greiner

Paula Antunes, Rui Santos
Guidelines for incentive based programs for biodiversity conservation in Portugal

Jeremy Cross, Mark Stafford-Smith, Nick Milham
Do tax instruments support sustainable grazing?

Romy Greiner
Managing tourist access to the Daintree National Park

Kathryn Troll
Seeking enviro-nomic solutions to resource issues

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Stakeholder Participation II
Chair: Alice Woodhead

Christopher Fulcher, Tony Prato
A web-based integrated resource management system (IRMS)

Simon Hill, Charlie Zammit
The identification of community values for regional sustainable land use planning and management

Alice Woodhead
Advantages of benchmarking to establish social indicators on attitude

Saturday 2:00-3:30
Valuation: Conjoint Analysis
Chair: Jeff Bennett

Jeff Bennett, Mark Morrison, Rich Harvey
A river somewhere - valuing the environmental attributes of rivers

James Kahn, Steven Stewart
Integrating ecology and economics: conjoint analysis and the Clinch Valley ecological risk assessment

John Rolfe, Jeff Bennett
Framing values for biodiversity conservation

Tessie Tumaneng-Diete, Brett Waring
Sustainable forest management context: the case of the Gold Coast Hinterland State Forest

Saturday 3:30-4:00
Chair: Gopal Kadekodi

Oriana Almeida, Kai Lorenzen, David McGrath
Fishing in the Amazon Basin

Amitrajeet A. Batabyal, Hamid Beladi
Time restrictions in natural resource management: A dynamic and stochastic analysis

Mahadev Bhat, Ramachandra Bhatta
Aquaculture and sustainable coastal land management: an ecological economic model of resource interactions

Gopal Kadekodi, Aparna Nayampalli
Towards sustainability: reversing biodiversity losses of Chilika Lake in India

Saturday 3:30-4:00 Afternoon Tea

Saturday 4:00-5:00 Closing Plenary

Conference Highlights and Perspectives
Chair: John Proops

Steve Dovers, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University
An academic perspective

Padma Lal, National Centre Development Studies, Australian National University
A developing country perspective

Mike Young, Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia
A developed country perspective

[Top Of Page]

Author: David Stern
Date Last Modified: 2 July 2000
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