People and Nature and Nature: Operationalising Ecological Economics
ISEE 2000 will focus on operational applications and achievements of ecological economics. The theme of the conference is `People and Nature: Operationalising Ecological Economics.' The conference is being jointly organised by the International Society for Ecological Economics and the Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics. It will be held on the campus of the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia's capital city. Presentations will focus on innovative, new ideas. All speakers are being asked to identify and explore opportunities to engage with disciplines other than their own. Invited plenary presentations address:
Global Issues and Challenges
Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute, USA)
Dick Norgaard (ISEE President, University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Manfred Max-Neef (Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile)
Clive Hamilton (Australia Institute, Australia)
Trans-disciplinary Challenges
John Proops, (ISEE President-elect, Keele University, UK)
Judith Innes (University of California, USA)
Jack Knetsch (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Morgan Williams (Environment Commissioner, New Zealand)
Martin O'Connor (University of Versailles, France)
Mick Common (University of Strathclyde, UK)
Stephen Lea (University of Sussex, UK)
Engagement with Natural Science
Brian Walker (CSIRO, Australia)
Roger Bradbury (Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia)
David Rapport (University of Guelph, Canada)
Francois Bousquet (Cirad Tera, France)
Developing Country Perspectives
Meg Taylor (World Bank, USA)
Kanchan Chopra (University of Delhi, India)
Peter May (Instituto Pronatura, Brazil)
Neil Byron (Productivity Commission, Australia)
We have received over 300 contributed papers that will be presented at the conference. Themes of sessions range from ecological economics and interdisciplinarity to stakeholder participation and from green accounting to green business. There are sessions on international governance issues, policy evaluation, climate change, complex adaptive systems, valuation and many more. There will also be a number of panel discussion sessions and posters.
We hope you will register for the conference and look forward to seeing you in Canberra.
We won't be mailing a hard-copy Preliminary Program to conference attendees; so please visit this website to get up to date information on the conference program as it becomes available.
If you have already registered for the conference you will now need to register for the conference dinner and field-trips.
Author: Frank Frezza
Date Last Modified: 23 June 2000
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