Conference Home Page | About ISEE 2000 | Organising Bodies | Location | Program Schedule | Abstracts | Pre-Conference Workshop | Index of Presenters | Field Trips | ISEH 2000 | Electronic Mini-Conference | Post Conference Tours | Travel and Accommodation | Childcare | Registration Form | Organisers and Acknowledgements | Contact Organisers | Call for Exhibitors

Electronic Mini-Conference on "Business, the Economy and Sustainability"

Activities associated with the "Business, the economy and sustainability" electronic mini-conference will run from July 1999-September 2000 (inclusive). Registrants for the main conference can participate in the electronic mini-conference on business for no extra cost. Separate registration is also available for the electronic mini-conference: Registration is $A40 payable via the main application form.

The timetable for events occurring as part of the electronic mini-conference can be found on: Email:

Please submit contributions to the electronic mini-conference to Philip Sutton following the instructions on the mini-conference website.

International Society for Ecosystem Health Meeting 2000

ISEE 2000 will be held back to back with ISEH 2000. Building on our 'People and Nature' focus, the International Society for Ecosystem Health conference will focus on 'Transdisciplinary Approaches to Ecosystem Health'. Leaving on Sunday 9 July, a three day field trip from Canberra to Brisbane will link these two conferences. Between Canberra and Brisbane, there are three World Heritage Areas, massive water pollution problems, and continuous conflict between urban development, agriculture, and biodiversity conservation in the world's only developed mega-diverse country. The tour will take in many landscapes and showcase innovative approaches to these environmental problems.

For more information about the ISEE - ISEH linking tour contact Australian New Frontiers, E-mail: .

To find out about ISEH - 2000 contact ISEH at or visit their website at

Post Conference Tours

A number of post conference tours have been organised to allow delegates to gain first hand experiences from the material presented at the conference. Each tour will emphasise environmental and subtainable development projects in a number of areas in Australia. All will be on a group basis and include accommodation, coach, guide, tour leader and some meals. For information please contact Australian New Frontiers, E-mail: .

For more information contact ISEH at or visit their website at:


Limited places are being offered for the care of children between the ages of 0-12 years. For more information and bookings, contact:

Wendy Prestney
Central Canberra Family Day Care
16 Balmain Lane
Acton ACT 2601

Phone: +61 2 6249 2000
Fax: +61 2 6248 8194

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Author: Frank Frezza
Date Last Modified: 12 May 2000
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