ANZSEE is the Australasian chapter of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
Recognising that economies are embedded and dependent upon the ecosphere, it is the mandate of ANZSEE, in conjunction with ISEE, to encourage scientific research on the integration of economics, ecology and related disciplines, and to promote the general understanding of the results of that research through education, policy analysis, communication and other appropriate means.
The purpose of ANZSEE is to provide a focus in the Australasian region for activities in ecological economics including:
- promoting the knowledgebase for the creation of an ecologically sustainable economy
- fostering transdisciplinary discourse among the social and natural sciences
- promoting education, graduate research and research funding in ecological economics in the Australasian region.
The roles and responsibilities of ANZSEE include:
- organising ANZSEE's biennial conference on ecological economics
- promoting membership and participation in ISEE
- highlighting Australian and New Zealand knowledge and experience in ecological economics, and communicating regional ecological economics activity to people in other regions of the World
- providing a forum for discussion on ecological economics through initiatives such as ANZSEELIST.
ANZSEE is a non-profit association incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory (A2549). The Society was incorporated in 1995 and has a detailed constitution, which is rather too lengthy to put on the ANZSEE website. The Society's annual accounts are audited and an annual report is submitted to the ACT registrar general. ANZSEE's Australian Business Number is: 78 369 014 084. The Society is registered to collect the Goods and Service Tax (GST). The Society is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charity but gifts to the society are not tax deductible. The Society's office is at CRES at ANU. Wendy Proctor is the Society's Secretary.
Membership is open to anyone interested in ecological economics, who is also a member of ISEE. The Executive are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.