An art exhibition is the latest addition to the local and global events leading up to the international climate change talks in Paris later this year. The exhibition is titled ‘Global Warning’ and will feature mixed media artworks by Marty Branagan based on environmental themes, especially climate change. Dr Branagan has previously held three solo exhibitions at NERAM, and been a finalist in the Outback Art Prize, Country Energy Landscape Art Prize and the satirical Bald Archies (which toured Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and regional centres). He has been acquired by the Northern Territory Art Award, and has been involved in many of Armidale’s murals.


The exhibition may also feature a last-minute sculpture by renowned local sculptor and writer Tony Sevil.


The exhibition is at the Woodlands Centre (home of the Armidale Tree Group, 80 Mann St, Armidale). The opening is on Friday 23 October at 7pm, and will feature live music from Dan Davies and Josh Biddle (from The Fat Ladies). All are welcome.


The exhibition is in partnership with EcoArts Australis and the Armidale Tree Group, and is associated with Sustainable Living Armidale’s ‘Armidale Road To Paris’ campaign. It is also an event of the Australia-New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics 2015 Conference, Thriving Through Transformation – Local to Global Sustainability.


For further information, please contact Marty Branagan on 67714948 or

PhD Scholarship in environmental assessment modelling

A PhD position is available within the Sustainability Assessment Program at the School  of  Civil  and  Environmental  Engineering,  UNSW.  The  3-year  research  is  part  of  an  ARC Discovery  Project  aimed at investigating the  environmental  impacts  of  construction  in  Australia through the development of a sophisticated hybrid environmental assessment model. The project will assist in identifying the most significant environmental impacts, critical  areas  for  mitigation  efforts  and  informing  environmental  policy  and  programs within the Australian construction industry.

Enquiries and  applications should  be sent to Dr  Tommy Wiedmann


When you are in town for the Conference, why not stay on and check out this local event held by our supporters Sustainable Living Armidale.


ANZSEE apologises for any delay in notifying you about whether your abstract was accepted. We are working on getting responses out to everyone ASAP.


24. July 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: News

Dear ANZSEE Supporters,

There will be a two week extension period on abstract submission. Abstracts will now be due in on the 7th August, 2015. You will receive confirmation by 14th of August regarding acceptance.

ANZSEE Conference Organising Committee