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ConferencesMost regional chapters of ISEE hold conferences in each odd year, while the international ISEE conference is held in the even years.Forthcoming Conferences:2009 Conference - Darwin Australia October 27 to 30. See link for information Past ANZSEE Conferences:The 2007 Conference A Climate for Change July 3-6, Australis Noosa Lakes, Noosaville, Queensland The 2005 Conference Ecological Economics in Action December 11-13, Massey University, Palmerston North The 2004 Conference A Future that Works - economics, employment and the environment Conference This conference was held held jointly with Sustainable Business Network and the Natural Step in New Zealand. A Ecological Economics Think Tank was organised by the New Zealand branch of ANZSEE in association with this conference. The ANZSEE 2002 Conference was held from 2nd to 4th December at the University of Technology, Sydney. The 1995 and 1997 ANZSEE Conferences were held in Coff's Harbour and Melbourne, respectively. The 1999 ANZSEE Conference was held in Brisbane. ANZSEE cosponsored a workshop with LWRRDC entitled "Developing a Truly Ecological Economics" which was held in Canberra in December 1996. The report describes how participants discussed more fully integrating ecology within ecological economics. Past ISEE Conferences:The ISEE 2008 Conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 8-11 August. The ISEE 2000 Conference was organized by ANZSEE in association with ISEE. The conference took place from 5th July to 8th July 2000 at the Australian National University in Canberra. ISEE conferences have been held in Washington (1990), Stockholm (1992), San José, Costa Rica (1994), Boston (1996), and Santiago de Chile (1998). |
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