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for Ecological Economics

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For enquires about ANZSEE please contact:

ANZSEE President: Wendy Proctor, CSIRO Land and Water, GPO Box 1666, Canberra ACT 2601
ph: 026246 5955 or Fax: 02 6246 5560.
or E-Mail:

Wendy Proctor, President CSIRO
Steve Hatfield-Dodds, Vice president Department of Climate Change
Oscar Montes de Oca Munguia, Vice president, Secretary Landcare Research
David Stern, Treasurer CSIRO
Boyd Blackwell, Webmaster

University of Tasmania

Kathryn Davidson University of South Australia
Kim McClymont NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Tor Hundloe Griffith University
Md Younus The University of Adelaide
Ralph Chapman Victoria University of Wellington

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