Teaching Programmes
Ecological Economics Teaching Programmes
A selection of centres specializing in ecological economics research and teaching in Australia, New Zealand and around the world.
Gund Insititute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont
The Gund Institute is now offering a Ecological Economics Certificate online. Portions of the certificate can be accessed at http://www.metacourses.org Two courses have been completely developed online
1. Ecological Economics (http://metacourses.org/ecologicaleconomics/)
2. Simulation Modeling (http://metacourses.org/simulationmodeling/)
New England Ecological Economics Group at the University of New England
Economics and Environment Network
at the
Australian National UniversityDepartment of Economics
Rensellaer Polytechnic InstituteThe Ecological Economics Research Group
Griffith University
Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney
New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics
Environment Department
at the
Boston UniversityThe University of Maryland
‘s Institute for Ecological Economics
Arthur R. Marshall Laboratory at the University of Florida, Gainesville
The University of Strathclyde’s Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines C3ED