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Home > Election of Executive

ANZSEE Election of Executive

At the 2006 AGM we decided to encourage wider participation in the election of the ANZSEE Executive by conducting the vote through the new
voting facilities on the ISEE website. Details of how to do this will be given prior to the voting period 15-25 June.

The members of the Executive are the people who make things happen in ANZSEE: arranging and overseeing the bi-annual conference, identifying
new opportunities for ecological economics, and supporting our wider membership. There are always more useful tasks than there are people,
and we would welcome some new members and the ideas and energy this always brings.

If you are not currently a member of ANZSEE and ISEE we would encourage you to join. You do this by registering at

If you would like to stand for the ANZSEE executive please print off either of the following forms, complete it and and fax to +61 2 6246 5560

Nomination form (pdf)

Nomination form (Word document)

Key dates for the election process are:

24 April 2007 Nominations called for

31 May 2007 Nominations close

7 June 2007 Election materials due (including brief statements and bio details from candidates)

15-25 June 2007 Voting period

4-5 July 2007 Election results declared at or before the ANZSEE AGM at our conference at Noosa lakes


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