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Members have asked we put up contact details to help network. A form was sent out to all ANZSEE members. Data from those that responded can be found at: Members interests

May 2005 - ANZSEE Members Survey Results

1 How important to you are the following aspects of membership of ANZSEE?  Not at all important  Somewhat important  Important Very important  Exceptionally important
A network of like minded people 0% 8% 42% 17% 33%
Events and information that help you stay up-to-date with relevant trends and developments 0% 0% 36% 36% 27%
An intellectual community for sharing and testing ideas 0% 8% 25% 33% 33%
Develop ecological economic ideas 0% 8% 25% 42% 25%
Make ecological economics ideas available throughout the community 0% 0% 33% 25% 42%
Advocate the application of ecological economics ideas/perspectives 0% 0% 17% 42% 42%
Encourage an assessment of activities/policies in society from an ecological perspective 0% 0% 8% 42% 50%
2 How effective is ANZSEE in meeting your needs in each of these areas?  Not at all effective  Somewhat effective  Effective Very effective  Exceptionally effective
A network of like minded people 9% 36% 27% 9% 18%
Events and information that help you stay up-to-date with relevant trends and developments 9% 45% 18% 18% 9%
An intellectual community for sharing and testing ideas 18% 36% 27% 9% 9%
3  How likely would you be to participate in the following types of activities?  Certain to attend  Likely to attend  Unlikely to attend  Would not attend
ANZSEE conference in New Zealand 25% 50% 17% 8%
ANSEE conference in Eastern Australia 17% 67% 8% 8%
ANZSEE conference in Perth, Adelaide or Darwin 9% 45% 45% 0%
A seminar and social drinks in your city 58% 42% 0% 0%
Email or web based discussion on specific topics 25% 67% 8% 0%
ANZSEE task groups (eg. develop and/or promote ecological economics ideas) 17% 58% 25% 0%
4 What are your preferences for our events?  Very interested  Some interest Not interested
Conference format (plenary, speakers plus parallel paper sessions) 42% 58% 0%
Workshop format (plenary speakers and more discussion, few if any parallel sessions 75% 25% 0%
Symposium format (roundtable learning experience, often producing a paper or other output) 58% 42% 0%
Joint conference with other organisation 42% 50% 8%
Agenda pre-structured by event organisers 33% 67% 0%
Open agenda - participant structured agenda 17% 58% 25%
5 What is your preferred frequency for ANZSEE's main event?
 Annual 45.5%
 Every second year (alternating with ISEE conference) 54.5%
 Other 0%
6 Are you interested in helping to host or organise future ANZSEE events or activities eg
 Local seminars or drinks 40%
 Conferences or workshops 80%
 Assist with maintenance of ANZSEE website 20%
 Assist with ANZSEE electronic newsletter 20%
 Development of ANZSEE membership and maintenance of membership list 40%
 Assist to develop and execute ANZSEE program of activities 80%
7 How useful would you find an electronic subscription   to 'Ecological Economics' as part of your ANZSEE/ISEE subscription?
 Very valuable - worth more than A$80 per annum 8.3%
 Valuable - A$40 per annum 25%
 Useful - worth more than A$20 per annum 58.3%
 Not useful 8.3%
8 What is your main type of work?
 Researcher or academic 50%
 Government policy or program delivery 16.7%
 Non-government organisation 8.3%
 Consultant 16.7%
 Other private sector 8.3%
 Full time student 16.7%
 Part time student 0%
9  How long have you been involved with ANZSEE?
 Member for less than 2 years 16.7%
 Member for 2-5 years 16.7%
 Member for more than 5 years 33.3%
 Not currently a member 33.3%
 Attended Sydney ANZSEE Conference 2002 25%
 Attended Auckland ANZSEE Conference 2003 25%
 Attended Montreal ISEE Conference 2004 25%
 Attended other previous conference(s) 33.30%


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